Sunday, May 16, 2010


This poem is for an English Assignment. It's about me, and this is the actual original, but I had to cut it short to please my teacher.

"Bio Poem" On May 10, 11:46PM (I didn't choose the name, that's just what it's supposed to be called.)

Vera Karlotta

Sister of none,
is one so lonely in this world.

Who loves the wind that cleans the air,
that sweeps leaves and caresses cheeks;
The books that turn their pages
telling stories of old wives tales and
poetry that sucks you in, like a portal to another world –
the world of one’s soul;
and music when on full blast,
or when faint sounds hang from a thread in your ear
the jagged pattern of riffs and chords
as well as the smooth melodies of hushed voices.

Who feels depressed a third of the time,
crazy a half of the time,
and hyper a sixth of the time

Who needs to take a moment or two
to search the tip of her tongue for those long-lost words,
and needs a giant teddy bear to secure and fall asleep with.
Who needs some art and crazy visuals in life,
without taking desperate measures…
who needs freedom.

Who gives the time to those in need
and the service to those who’ve fallen...
and even to those who are too lazy to get up
for a glass of water.

Who fears ninja thieves who come to
steal, kill, and destroy her heart
and those treasures she calls her loved ones.
Who fears the giant whirlpools that result from the pool’s unplugged drain that will eat her up like dirt in a vacuum, to take her to several other dust bunnies.
And who fears the night, when gunshots reign, and disaster falls, leaving the city’s families nearby in a shroud of mourning when the dawn approaches in the next day.

Who would like to see someone to get up
and help out from time to time,
and a giant library stacked with bookshelves,
scented with the fragrance of wizened and ancient books;
as well as for her dreams to become a reality, and solid clouds in the form of cotton balls to float near the ground and carry her away.

Resident of the city of influence,
The divine city of not-so-heavenly hosts,
Los Angeles, California