This is a really emo poem, after a friend and I had a bad conversation. It lead me to tears. It's suuuper-emotional.
"Pierced" on March 17, 2:55 AM
Tears fall too easily
when nestled in the soul
when dampened breaths heavy with sighs
condense and eyes leak storms into oceans,
puddles that surround me
Tears fall when you speak
Jealousy, rage...
they're all chained down to me
I'm a prisoner,
but you don't seem to realize that.
A dampened mood is constricting
and wails and screeches
like cat's meow when angered
Bowls of ice catapult towards me
sharp swords of icicles break off their branches
and pierce me
Right. There.
In the heart, much like Cupid's arrow,
though it's archer is not blind
nor is it a baby who knows of such things
Tears fall easily...
especially when you're a ball
curled in a dark corner
or perhaps, sprawled all over,
pensively clutching at the roots of your hair
in agonizing thoughts
as you lean against a wall
and pound your head on it.
Why, why, why?
Fits of rage are thunderstorms and clouds
in my thoughts.
Jealousy is a high tide that drowns me
I can't swim.'s a calamity, a malady that ails me, it chokes me.
I am a target for such things,
that is why archers pierce me with their icicle arrows
and their bows of wild branches.
Come, bind my wounds,
though you know me not.
I'll assure you, there's more to the tip of the iceberg
when you peer down into murky saltwater
A lot more is hidden,
all of which can strike against you
like a snake, jabbing at it's opponent
or it can abrade you and sting you
bring you down perhaps, like the Titanic.
Oh act like you're high and mighty.
Why should I care, if you don't take the time
to really dig deep.
I'm an ammonite, coiled up through years
maybe millennia under dirt, though not as long...
I am a pearl you must dive and crack an obscuring obstacle for
I am not transparent, but if you want me to be, I can.
However, when I do reveal myself,
when I do take off this mask
I fear you won't recognize me.
So why tears, why?
Why must you play on these slopes
that are my cheeks?
when nestled in the soul
when dampened breaths heavy with sighs
condense and eyes leak storms into oceans,
puddles that surround me
Tears fall when you speak
Jealousy, rage...
they're all chained down to me
I'm a prisoner,
but you don't seem to realize that.
A dampened mood is constricting
and wails and screeches
like cat's meow when angered
Bowls of ice catapult towards me
sharp swords of icicles break off their branches
and pierce me
Right. There.
In the heart, much like Cupid's arrow,
though it's archer is not blind
nor is it a baby who knows of such things
Tears fall easily...
especially when you're a ball
curled in a dark corner
or perhaps, sprawled all over,
pensively clutching at the roots of your hair
in agonizing thoughts
as you lean against a wall
and pound your head on it.
Why, why, why?
Fits of rage are thunderstorms and clouds
in my thoughts.
Jealousy is a high tide that drowns me
I can't swim.'s a calamity, a malady that ails me, it chokes me.
I am a target for such things,
that is why archers pierce me with their icicle arrows
and their bows of wild branches.
Come, bind my wounds,
though you know me not.
I'll assure you, there's more to the tip of the iceberg
when you peer down into murky saltwater
A lot more is hidden,
all of which can strike against you
like a snake, jabbing at it's opponent
or it can abrade you and sting you
bring you down perhaps, like the Titanic.
Oh act like you're high and mighty.
Why should I care, if you don't take the time
to really dig deep.
I'm an ammonite, coiled up through years
maybe millennia under dirt, though not as long...
I am a pearl you must dive and crack an obscuring obstacle for
I am not transparent, but if you want me to be, I can.
However, when I do reveal myself,
when I do take off this mask
I fear you won't recognize me.
So why tears, why?
Why must you play on these slopes
that are my cheeks?