This next one is about a character who is oppressed. And I used a ton of prompts for this, but unfortunately the contest was deleted. Stupid contest-holder...>.> -mutters- AAnyway. It's a challenge, and I used a ton of pictures, but yeah.
Standing alone in a gloomy courtyard,
darkened by clouds obscuring sunlight's warmth
A towering building looms over me
a bell tolls, each chime resounds,
hangs in the air.
A shrill scream tears the foggy air
Chains clank, bars rattle
All this when loving fog lifts me,
We wave apart the clouds,
fan them to distant lands
Light shines through the sky
leaving hearts in its wake,
speaking heart-shaped holes through the fog.
Then I fall...
For you.
I, behind bars, peer at green eyes
glowing with envy...
as I realize that you, not I am imprisoned.
What's this? I see...
you've fallen for me as well
so find the key to me
My heart is yours --- is anyone
for those who strive to try,
to survive through a foggy maze,
not sparkling with heart-shaped cutouts of light,
pasted into the sky.
Dig into the pile of keys and find one,
just one. The one whose handle's encrusted
with broken glass, due to many times shattered.
Block the obstacles, and find it, like a needle in a haystack.
Carry it to this lock, and we'll see
if this not-so-open book will tell you her story.
Pictures used: (by the way, these are all from people on DeviantArt)