Monday, March 8, 2010


"Glitter" on March 8th 2010, terribly early in the morning. (<-- This is in the words of AllPoetry, not mine. The poem, of course, is mine.)

A spark ignites
emanates from a tiny candle
lit from a match
of paper and cardboard and a tiny little tip
white or red, whichever you prefer

friction struck on emery like sandpaper
and burnt sand, which makes glass
is transparent,but is mutilated coral
when it first started

chewed on by parrotfish
protected by polyps with tons of swaying arms
that branch out like trees, but these arms move
and sting the nosy fingers who touch the creatures' mouths.

Mouths that eat and mouths that chew
I bid you adieu,
but how can I, for my mouth is on my face
and in it a little crater, which leads to a hose
which, like a snake moves in undulating motions.

Food, go down, I command you,
But I choke and sputter
and spit it out.
The mucous surrounds like frozen sap
stuck under a branch of a pine tree
who inhales carbon and exhales oxygen

for us to breathe, making us free
emancipating us from our ball-and-chain slavery
from this love that binds us to the ground
and pins us to this chair
and our lover sees us, fascinated...
in our state, thrashing in despair,
he does nothing but stand there.

Love is patient, love is kind
love makes me blow my mind
Love is sparkly, love is shiny
Love is like seasalt, briny.

Love glitters for those who reflect
a dazzling light for friends, imperturbed.

Written in Freewrite section, 8:32 minutes. Uhmm. It was in a topic called "Glitter." You must be wondering where all this came from "Glitter." I'll give you a hint: it starts with spark. Another hint? It ends with shininess. I tried to incorporate vocab. Tell me if I failed, yes?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My muse again. I was in art class looking at pictures my teacher took in Central Park during vacation. My teacher's like me, he takes pictures of random pretty things people don't catch all the time. I love how the shot of a camera can make us double-take at things we happen to pass by and ignore everyday. Sad to say, nature is very often taken for granted. Naturally, I was in school...though, the uniform thing I can't say where I got it from...I let my mind wander, yes, through this poem, it's supposed to do that. Uhmm...enjoy? xD

"Glints" on March 3, 2010

It's your loss
but you're not mad
or sad...
you don't even feel bad
for plaid ---
it's absence on your uniform,
leaving behind textiles of blue and white,
but not a dreamy shade, oh no.
Navy blue lies in your midst ---
the color of night, of unknown depths.
A grey white sits on your chest
and rests
at the best place above your heart,
idly tuning the clouds a bright, cotton white
that shines across the sky,
gleaming, reflecting the sun's platinum

liquid metal, cool and pouring
not red hot but a flowing silver
separates into spots of rainbows that fill the
blacks and grays and whites,
spilling not a drop of paint
outside the lines.

Wind blows, the natural eraser
and wipes the slate clean
and whisks off the color of things,
leaving behind only two-dimensional outlines
of trees in parks and sand on beaches,
to start over again.

Like a child coloring,
purple trees, orange tides that glisten
from the light of a black-light sun
on the run
from east to west
and all turns to black darkness with
pinpricks of a celestial light,
like a flashlight's beam through a thatched straw hat.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This day just seems so eternal, but frankly, I must temporize, for my homework seems so varicose, like my personal Goliath, looming over me. If only I had a slingshot and a smooth stone from a nearby creek, but alas, a pencil and paper is what I'll need. If only I had a bow to string and shoot the pencil with at a distant sheet of paper far away. Unfortunately, that's not the way to tackle this malady.

Just a little rant/prose thing, practicing my vocab and stuff. I feel like I need to expand my vocabulary. I'll start writing some stuff using new vocabulary I've picked up, that is, if I've learned any. I'm becoming quite a addict.