I wrote four poems since my last update...and obviously, I keep forgetting/don't have the time to update, so I'm posting 4 of the last poems I've written in a super, ultra, mega post. :)
Okay, this first one is based on a relationship between a friend and myself in which I'm helping that said friend sort things out.
"Walk To Me" Written on February 12, 2010
Walk to me
take little baby steps
on your way to the light.
Walk to me
turn to me
trust me.
Why can't you
trust yourself?
bring yourself to be around others?
stop caring?
For once, just stop.
Just freeze
just fall back,
because I am there to catch you.
Why can't you realize that?
Trust me.
Talk to me.
I know you.
I see you
clearer than you see yourself.
Look in the mirror,
a muddy reflection blinks
back to your blank face.
Blubbering, bantering,
baffling, bawling,
blundering, blighting
Take a step back
and look at yourself.
Walk to me.
Don't look back.
Don't fall, or else I will catch you.
Walk to me.
Teeter on your feet.
Take a small step
Out of the darkness,
and run to the light.
This next one is based off of a fight between another friend and myself. We've worked it out, which is good.
"Reply", Written on February 14
Don't leave me hanging
by a thread
that which,
so easily broken
can crumble
Don't replace me,
eclipse me,
shadow me,
leave me crying.
It's alright, you know.
You're forgiven,
but don't hold this against me
when my tears drop into the ocean,
the pool of the million hearts you've broken,
don't go searching for it.
You claim you're in a triangle
feel like you have to choose
Don't put one on a pedestal
and level us out
You can balance us, can't you?
I don't wish to obligate you
to speak
I don't wish to chain you
to me
I don't wish to hurt you
though I have so many times before...
Broken pieces picked off the floor
glued together, reshaped, remodeled
are what friendships are.
Forgive me for crying,
I'm just hurt, that's all,
That you'd let me stumble
in the dark with no light,
so I'd crash and fall.
But falling was how we met,
how this love began.
You laughed while I cried,
cried while I laughed
But still hugged me,
comforted me,
and took me under your wing
of feathers so soft
and so cashmere rich
of sisterly feelings,
but life's a b***h.
So leave me,
go ahead
but come back,
for I'll miss you.
I'm not mad,
just sad
that you'd ignore me -
the things I have to say.
Fine with me,
don't return my call.
I'll just pen this
so that you don't
have to
But I'll be standing
right here, should you
ever choose
to return.
Thirty minutes gone...
but I feel like I've lost you
This next is picture inspired and for a contest.

Tayo (As in, "Us" in Tagalog), Written February 20, 2010
I am an open book
a story leaps off the page
so take me in and read me.
Hold me
caress me,
swiftly turn the pages
get to know me.
I love this
I indulge in this.
this passion that I feel
as our mental bonds connect through time
and space.
A fall of roses cascades off my covers
weeping at the torn pages.
Cry pools of shining light for me,
my lover.
Shower me with gold that destroys my blundering way.
Guide me
get to know me.
Read me, take me in.
Sense me
as I sense you
as we cuddle in this rocking chair.
So love,
read me a story.
Our story.
The last of the poems is...from my muse, dedicated to my camera, my beaten, scratched up, yet ever-so-faithful Canon Power Shot SD550. xD
"Camera", Written on February 22, 2010
Wondrous little box
with your rounded window
over your rectangular screen
composed of little dots and smaller squares
of color and light.
Your round, eye never ceases to amuse me
The memories your spacious mind holds
fits onto a little card, slips into slits.
Your knobs and buttons
turned and pushed repeatedly.
I'm amazed you're never driven crazy.
How is it, you're still alive and functioning,
when I've dropped you and let you go so many times?
How are you still breathing,
when I've suffocated you carelessly in dust?
Why do your battle scars never pain you
when your face scratched up against the rocks
because I let go of your string?
I don't take care of you enough, friend,
yet you serve me and work for me willingly.
You and I paint images together
and we hold rays of sunlight in the palms of our hands.
I rejoice when you catch rays for me
though you have no hands...or arms for that matter.
We're a good team , friend.
Reflect for me what I see in you,
and we'll take pictures together,
That's it for now. :)
Oh, and please note that technically, while starting them (except Walk To Me) it was the day before...I just sleep really late. All of these were written before sleeping...so...yeah.