Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day #4a (Not really): Poem

"Screw Up", Written on September 30, 2009

You know what?
I hate the days when I watch
people passing by
and all I can say is
"They've got talent"
cause I'm jealous.

I'm green with envy
and white with burning anger,
and red with frustration
and blue...with the cold, damp, clammy feeling
of emptiness and that feeling you get
when you feel you just don't get anywhere.
That feeling where you feel like you've never accomplished anything.

And you.
You who whines
who screams
who complains
about every single little thing in the world
you cry because you feel left out
you cry because people leave you

but you know what?
it's not them, it's you this time
and you need to admit that to yourself
I'm tired of your whining.
I'm tired of your self pity
I'm tired of your slapping everyone in the face
with your white-hot iron bran
with your double-edged sword
with that hateful hurricane of bitterness.
That's what you are
you're an evil pit of hatred
and your pitiful excuse is
"I'm only misunderstood. I strive for what's normal."
Cut the crap, I won't fall for it.
And missy, define normal?

What's normal, what's strange,
what's absurd, what's different?
There's no such thing, to tell you the truth...

And here's what I see.
I see a little girl
dressed in pink with short black tresses
and thick lenses.
And all she wants is a place in this world
and she trips, she cries, cause she's not getting it.

I've seen you crash,
I've seen you burnt,
I've seen you fall down and fall over
and I see you right now.
You're a crumpled little heap
at the base of the staircase.

And all this is because you fail.
You fail to make a use of yourself.
You fail me notice anyone but yourself.
You fail to care about anything other than what affects you.
You fail to really try to help people.
You fail at trying to put a smile at your face.
You fail at being "normal" just because you try.
You fail at being competitive.
You fail at being hardworking.

Face it.
You're a little parasite that clings on to other.
You're insecure, you're dark.

You've fallen off your high horse.
Now humble yourself, and ask that person for help.
Ask that person extending her hand.
Yeah, you see her? That person is me.
And all you do is push me away...away...away
to the furthest end of your little galaxy.
And you'll only keep bringing yourself down.

Face it chiquita.
You've really screwed yourself up.
And there's nothing

Based off of a friend who regularly pisses me off because she does some really stupid things. I don't think about her like this all the time, but sometimes, she just...irritates me like...hell.