Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Post 11

I wrote a new poem. At first, I thought it wasn't that good, but then, someone who claims to be dead honest (and she is) commented on it and liked it. The fact that she liked it is just a relief, I don't think I'll really get the gold and the 5k points, but I'm glad she didn't just bash it. I'm very, very glad.

"Hidden", Written on January 13

I am the fly on your wall,
the mirror on your ceiling,
watching, looking, staring, glaring...

I see you, you don't see me
I peek behind that crack in the wall
please don't call me insane

I am merely hidden
out of your sight
a speck in the corner of your eye
or a flash that drives by
outside your window.

I am the thing you overlook
that you pass by
day by day, and nothing.


This connection, my dear is going bad
for a connection isn't one at all
when the other does not return the call.

Hear me whisper.

I see you day by day
and you pass me on your way
to the rest of your life without me, your shadow.

You never turn to find me,
and so I am hidden.

[[This was song-inspired by Pictures of You, by the Last Goodnight.]]